Vipassana meditation program Phase 2 From 2013
The Renaissance (กำเนิดใหม่) of the Science of
Vipassana Mindfulness Satipatthana Meditation

The flagship program Vipassana meditation program Phase 2 resulted from a search to confirm the efficacy of the Phase 1 meditation technique and to improve on it.

The search in Thailand and Myanmar resulted initially in an upgrade in 2013 and later in 2014 upon the discovery of the Full Technique at Vipassana Meditation Place for Mind Development in Trang Thailand.

The more powerful all encompassing and more profound methodology of meditation at Trang is not a new way but the Renaissance of the Original Full Uncut Version of Satipatthana, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness which is at The of Buddhist Meditation by Nyanaponika.
The unabashed clear objective of meditation of Lord Buddha Gotoma is to eliminate mental suffering immediately and forever by achieving Nibbana in this life time as soon as possible. This is clearly stated by Than Phra Ajarn Prasert Thanangaro (ท่านพระอาจารย์ประเสริฐ ฐานังกโร).

The elimination of mental suffering immediately and forever is the reason for the birth of Every Buddha; it is the only thing taught by Every Buddha. And Every Buddha taught the only way: Satipatthana. Hence The Renaissance (กำเนิดใหม่) of the Science of Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation.

There is reason and confidence to conjecture that the Trang methodology may also have medical applications in mental health; this is also promoted by the Foundation.
The success of Phase 1 Courses lies in the use of Constructionist techniques to promote individualized learning. This same Constructionist learning technique is combined with the powerful Trang Meditation Technique in Phase 2.

The Foundation has three objectives:

*1) Supports the activities of Vipassana Meditation Place for Mind Development in Trang.

*2) Supports the pureHeart Program which in turn:
# Runs courses for adults and young adults in Thai and in English for residents in Thailand and abroad.
# Promotes the spread of the Trang technique by using internet and other activities.
# Promotes mental health applications.

*3) Supports Professional Monks Program which prepares novice monks from the age of 13 and other persons for a life committed to the spiritual life.